Dragons Of Atlantis Wiki

legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is sadvdfegend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered☀dbfgbrtberbebend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your alegend may proveddddddegend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered☀ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Gregend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered☀eat Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting placeegend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered☀egend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered☀egend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncoveredegend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered☀egend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncoveredegend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered☀egend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncoveredegend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered☀egend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered☀egend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered☀. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your alegend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your alegend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your alegend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your alegend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀It is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your alegend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site e we wisIe wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your a☀rmy has unce wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of ae wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army he wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀as uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀ resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀overed a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀wisIt e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀aid that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀sIt is said the wisIt is e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may provedddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddde wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀ddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high levele wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has une wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into te wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀he forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀covered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀ forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀at when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀our army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀ resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀t is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀isIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀e wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield ☀of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when

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☀ a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has u

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☀ncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wise to keep this site under

Wraith dragon smaller size

When you capture a L7+ camp you get this message.

careful watch...

Spectral Ruins

You can uncover a "suspicious site" in Level 7+ forests prior to discovering the Spectral Ruins. This message appears for all players, it was a promotion prior to the release of the Outpost.

Building this Outpost gives you the power to capture and resurrect Troops lost in battle with other players. This does not include battles with Anthropus Camps or Wildernesses

This dragon can currently be upgraded to level 11.

In order to summon this Dragon, you must have a Level 10 Altar, all Level 9 Reaping Stones, all pieces of Armor, 1.7M blue energy, and 100K Talismans which you farm from Camps and Wildernesses. Building the altar to level 10 requires 1 Completion Grant.


This is how the Wraith Dragon appears after being summoned.

Troop Compatibility

This Dragon cannot be sent with any other troops.


Below are images that show some different Wraith Defenses used.

JGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisIt is said that when a Great Dragon nears the end of its time, it will disappear into the forests in search of a resting place. This legend may proveddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddto be true! Your army has uncovered a site of great power. Littered with remains of dragons, the grounds of these high level forests have the potential to yield great power. Something was here long ago. Something significant that the Dragons seem to sense. It would be wisGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGNJGINGGN
