Dragons Of Atlantis Wiki

Atlantis has always been a place of war. Players attack each other and defend their cities using troops, some of whom are trainable while others can only be won or trained during special events. This does not include any of the Guardian Dragons.

Troops in Atlantis are all diverse, with different fighting styles, stats, power, and sometimes, even special effects. One consistency between all troops, however, is the impact on upkeep. Troops need food, so the larger your army, the more food is eaten per hour. Troops will not, however, start to die off if you have 0 food in your city. There is no limit to your food consumption, but be warned that building a large army can result in huge negative food consumption, which can make it difficult to upgrade buildings, research topics at your science center, and train new troops. A balance between your army and food consumption is the main key to success in Dragons of Atlantis. To read more about food consumption, see Food.

Training Troops[]

Troops are trained in Garrisons (in the City) and in Training Camps (in the Outposts). Troops are not trained in the Spectral Ruins, Skythrone Outpost, Luna Plains, Lost City, or Abyssal Palace like the other Outposts.

Stronger troops require higher level garrisons and TCs to train. Training speed is determined by the number of garrisons/Training Camps you have at that site and the levels of said garrisons/Training Camps. As a basic note, the number of garrisons/TCs increases speed more than upgrading them.

Upgrading and destroying Training Camps and Garrisons does not alter the training time for current training queues. The difference in training speed will begin on whatever queues have not been established before destruction/construction.

Muster Point & Sending Attacks[]

Um ponto de referência é necessário na cidade para enviar ataques. Atualize o ponto de referência para enviar mais tropas de marcha, assim como as marchas de uma só vez. Os pontos de referência são utilizados para o fortalecimento do posto avançado. Se você é destruído, não pode aumentar, atacar ou espionar.

Troops can not be sent out from Outposts to attack locations. 

Troop Classifications[]

There are four basic types of troops in this game:

Troops Classified by Rarity:

  • Elite Troops are troops that require the (direct or indirect) use of a special item collected either through farming or purchasing with Rubies. These are typically the troops which can be trained in your Outposts with a level 10 Training Camp.
  • Regular Troops are troops that can be trained anywhere. They are basic troops that are available without any Outposts.

Troop Comparison The "Base Time" in the following table is the base training time required by each troop used to calculate the over all training time. These numbers are rounded up to the nearest second. Use the formulas below to calculate training times. [*]

Abbrev Name Melee
Defense Life Speed Range Load Ranged
Upkeep Power Base
Port Porter 1 10 45 100 0 200 0 2 1 48s (222s)
Con Conscript 10 10 75 200 0 20 0 3 1 26s(126s)
Spy Spy 5 5 10 3000 0 0 0 5 2 103s(555s)
Hal Halberdsman 40 40 150 300 0 40 0 6 2 141s(249s)
Mino Minotaur 70 45 225 275 0 30 0 7 3 219s (300s)
LBM Longbowman 5 30 75 250 1200 25 80 9 4 343s (505s)
SSD Swift Strike Dragon 150 60 300 1000 0 100 0 18 5 498s (629s)
BD Battle Dragon 300 300 1500 750 0 80 0 35 7 1492s (878s)
AT Armored Transport 5 200 750 150 0 5000 0 10 6 975s
Gia Giant 1000 400 4000 120 0 45 0 100 9 4334s (2550s)
FM Fire Mirror 20 30 1500 50 1500 75 1200 250 10 5843s (3003s)
PD Pack Dragon 150 400 850 1000 0 6000 0 10 6 1831s
DS Dark Slayer 1100 1000 2500 800 0 500 0 50 10 3481s
LC Lightning Cannon 100 250 1100 50 1600 100 1100 10 10 3793s
SD Storm Drake 1,350 300 3100 675 0 500 0 80 10 2745s
VW Venge Wyrm 2800 200 175 900 0 0 0 10 10 2504s
FT Fangtooth 1600 300 3000 500 600 45 800 125 10 2102s
GO Granite Ogre 650 900 15000 350 0 30 0 110 9 2294s
LJ Lava Jaw 500 150 1000 400 1600 10 2000 260 8 2009s
Ban Banshee 700 200 2850 1350 0 900 0 50 6 2335s
SR Soul Reaper 1000 500 3000 450 0 50 0 90 10 3552s
VD Venom Dweller 900 225 3500 300 700 30 800 90 9 2917s
FG Frost Giant 1500 350 6000 200 0 100 0 50 8 2661s
PT Petrified Titan 5000 1500 7500 50 0 0 0 10 20 19789s
SS Sand Strider 600 600 2000 1000 1200 200 400 35 10 2985s
DR Dimensional Ruiner 5999 999 6999 999 0 999 0 100 35 78919s
AL Arctic Leviathan 750 999 1000 450 1700 100 2200 200 15 5520s
Harr Steelshard Harriers 800 300 1700 300 0 550 0 55 20 2504s
Gol Thunder Golem 1600 600 6000 200 400 50 500 50


Shad Shadow Stalker


450 4300 2100 0 500 0 125 50


Sha Shaman 1500 1000 2500 300 0 325 0 80 50 2483s

War Scarab

2200 450 19000 500 0 650 0 125 75 ?

Volt Ranger

700 1300 2100 1150 1600 325 2050 90 75


Rider Dragon Rider 2200 500 1500 1000 750 500 1200 60 80
Mite Colossal Mite 2800 800 2500 800 1250 500 3000 130 85 ?
Rav Abyssal Ravager 3000 500 3000 1000 1200 500 1200 100 100 ?
Siren Sea Siren 4800 465 4500 2000 0 500 0 123 150 ?
Cabal Tempest Cabal 3250 1000 4000 1000 1500 500 3500 ? 200 ?
DW Dragon Warrior 17800 1200 30000 3000 3000 5000 0 130 2000 ?
Gor Gorgon 4500 1500 10000 500 3500 10 2500 150 350 ?
Hord Blood Horde 40000 10000 100000 7500 500 500 10000 1500 1750 ?
Cyc Cyclops 2250 18000 25000 2750 0 1500 0 130 250 ?
Lich Ice Lich 250000 25000 500000 1000 5000 10 1000 3500 3500 ?
Vile Vilethorn 17000 6000 750000 650 0 60000 0 3500 3500 ?
Dillo Stonetalon 17000 25000 1300000 600 0 60000 0 3500 3500 ?
Vol Volfang 17000 6000 2000000 650 0 60000 0 3500 3500 ?

Base Train Time for Pack Dragon is only used to calculate revival time

Explanation of Stats:[]

  • Chart2
    Melee Attack: Amount of damage done to targets when range = 0
  • Defense: Resistance to damage
  • Speed: Determine the time taken to travel to locations or when crossing the battlefield
    • If no range troops are used, default battlefield is 0.
  • Range: Minimum distance to inflict targeted damage
  • Load: Amount of resources that can be carried
  • Ranged Attack: Amount of damage done when range > 0
  • Upkeep: Amount of food eaten per hour per troop

Training Speed[]

Troop production speed depends on total number of garrisons or training camps and total number of levels of those garrisons or training camps.

Troop training speed calculation formula (excel format ~ omit {} notes). Speed in hours = (T{cell}*B{cell}/(COUNTA({array with garrison levels})+((SUM({array with garrison levels})-COUNTA({array with garrison levels}))/10))/60{convert to minutes}/60{convert to seconds}

(T x B) / (G + ((L - G) / 10)) = Total seconds to train Troops

  • Total Number of troops = T
  • Base Training Time = B
  • Total Number of Garrisons = G
  • Total Number of Upgrades/Levels = L

Dragon speed calculation formula (excel format).

  • 4 level 9 garrison (sum 36 levels).
  • Level 5 Rookery.
  • Training 1000 SSD
  • (Base Training Time is 498 seconds) = sum(1000 * 498) / ((1 + (5 / 100) * (4 + [(36 - 4) / 10)]) = 65873.01 seconds, [ABOUT 18 HOURS, 18 MINUTES]

(T x B) / ((1 + (R / 100)) * (G + ((L - G) / 10))) = Total seconds to train Dragons

  • Total Number of troops = T
  • Base Training Time = B
  • Total Number of Garrisons = G
  • Total Number of Upgrades/Levels = L
  • Level of Rookery = R (Rookery ONLY for the City)
    • For the Outposts, training time of dragons is calculated with Level of Rookery = 0

Troop training time calculator.

Troops Time Calculator (Google Docs)

Troops Training Time Calculator (xls file, simple use - only change 4 fields; included 30s minimum time)
Troops Training Time Calculator UPDATED! (xls file, simple use...)

There is an absolute base of 30 seconds minimum to train troops.

  • EX. 1 conscript will take 30s while 10 conscripts will also take 30s

I've flipped the equation around a little bit to figure out different variables. One is for finding the base training time which isn't as useful. The other, is for finding the amount of troops that you can train within a set time.

Total Number of troops = T
Base Training Time = B
Total Number of Garrisons = G
Total Number of Upgrades/Levels = L
Total Seconds it takes to Train = S

((((L - G) / 10) + G) x S) / T = Base Training Time

((((L - G) / 10) + G) x S) / B = Total Number of Troops in the Time Allotted (T)

So, to solve for base training time, the letter S represents the amount of time in seconds it takes to train the troop.

To solve for the amount of troops to train in a predetermined amount of time, S represents how long you want to train for in seconds. So what I'm using this equation for most of the time, is to figure out how many troops to train if i want them to finish in 24 hours (or 86400 seconds).

This is to be used to calculate revival times in the Spectral Ruins.

(T x B x 0.15) / (DP + ((L - DP) / 10)) = Total seconds to Revive Troops (# of Troops x Base Training Time x 0.15 ) / (# of Dark Portals + (Sum of DPs Upgrades - # of DPs) /10)

For Example:

  • 15 DP, 1 level 10 and 14 level 9s = 136 Upgrades
  • Find Base Times on Troop Breakdown
  • (25 LJs x 1999s x 0.15) / (15 Dark Portals + (136 Upgrades - 15 Dark Portals) / 10) =
  • (7496.25) / (15 DPs + (121) / 10) =
  • (7496.25) / (27.1) = 276.6seconds = 4 minutes 36 seconds

(Credit for formula: Kaply)

It takes 15% of the time it takes to Train X amount of troops.

Symbol Information
Page last updated: 2024-09-12 12:18 (UTC)

All items (60)
